Happy November and Happy National Novel Writing Month. Yep, that's right. It's
NaNoWriMo again: time to trade in hours of watching and nights out for the joy of writing a 50,000-word novel in one month.
For those of you who not in the know,
National Novel Writing Month runs from November 1st-30th, and is a self-proclaimed "fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing" and "thirty days and thirty nights of literary abandon!"
NaNoWriMo encourages quantity, not quality, so don't stop, don't think, just write. Use the opportunity to be free, write what you feel like writing, and see where the journey takes you! And take comfort in knowing that we're
all producing mediocrity together.
Despite the fact that we aren't
expected to create a work of quality, sometimes luck will have its way and, with enough editing, a NaNoWriMo novel can turn out to be a real masterpiece! Some even become popular, published books. Don't believe it's possible? The following books all started out as NaNoWriMo projects:
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen (a 2007 Alex Award winner)
Persistence of Memory by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
The Compound by S.A. Bodeen (among YALSA’s 2009 Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers and 2009 Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults)
Livvie Owen Lived Here by Sarah Dooley
Running for My Life by Ann Gonzalez
Losing Faith by Denise Jaden
So, will yours be next?
This is year is my sixth year embarking on the challenging and really kind of silly journey and I'd love for you all to join me! Knowing that you just wrote a whole novel, no matter how terrible, is an AWESOME feeling... and it's only 29 days away!
Want to sign up? Check out the
Official National Novel Writing Website for more information.
And be sure to read Figment's
NaNoWriMo Approacheth Survival Tips for some genuinely good advice on handling this frenzied month.
Happy writing, everybody!