This morning, The Today Show posted an article on their website featuring New Year traditions around the world.
Did you know that in Scheveningen, Netherlands, on Jan. 1, brave Dutch swimmers head into the icy North Sea? Bernarr Macfadden, who founded the Coney Island Polar Bear Club in 1903, believed that "a dip in the ocean during the winter can be a boon to one's stamina, virility and immunity."
People in Urnaesch, Switzerland, celebrate with "Silvesterchlaus" (New Years Claus) people equipped with branches of pine trees and cow bells who walk toward a farm house in to offer their best wishes for the new year. After they sing and dance the Silvesterchlaeuse receive food, hot drinks, or money. It is believed that a visit by the Silvesterchlaeuse helps drive away evil spirits.
What do you do to ring in the new year?
It's popular to make New Year's Resolutions, to try to (resolve to!) improve something you've always wanted to improve about yourself. What are your new year's resolutions for 2013? Whatever they are, we've got the books to help you out:
Get more exercise:
CosmoGIRL! Total Body Workout: Fun Moves to Look and Feel Your Best from the editors of CosmoGIRL!
Toning for Teens: The 20-Minute Workout that Makes You Look Good and Feel Great! by Joyce L. Vedral
Yoga for Teens: How to Improve Your Fitness, Confidence, Appearance, and Health-- and Have Fun Doing It by Thia Luby
101 Ways to Get in Shape by Charlotte Guillain
Take better care of the Earth:
Recycle: Green Science Projects for a Sustainable Planet by Robert Gardner
Recycle This Book: 100 Top Children's Book Authors Tell You How to Go Green edited by Dan Gutman
Make It!: Don't Throw It Away- Create Something Amazing! by Jane Bull
365 Ways to Live Green for Kids: Saving the Enviornment at Home, School, or at Play--Every Day! by Sheri Amsel
Recycling: Learning the Four R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover by Martin J. Gutnik
Get better grades:
Study Smart, Study Less: Earn Better Grades and Higher Test Scores, Learn Study Habits That Get Fast Results, and Discover Your Study Persona by Anne Crossma
How to be School Smart: Super Study Skills by Elizabeth James and Carol Barkin
School Power: Study Skill Strategies for Succeeding in School by Jeanne Shay Schumm
Study Smart: Hands-On, Nuts-and-Bolts Techniques for Earning Higher Grades by Theodore Silver
Eat healthier:

Too Fat? Too Thin?: The Healthy Eating Handbook by Melissa Sayer
The Mayo Clinic Kids' Cookbook: 50 Favorite Recipes for Fun and Healthy Eating
Body Fuel: A Guide to Good Nutrition by Donna Shryer
Food for Feeling Healthy by Carol Ballard
Are resolutions part of your New Year traditions?
Be sure to take a look at the rest of the Today Show's photo set on New Year Traditions around the world to see what people in other countries do to ring in their year!